Sunday, December 30, 2007

Oh what fun it wasn't

So I get to Mudfest Friday afternoon after a freaking disappointing day only to find no one answering their phone to tell me where the campsite was. I finally found it by myself (I'm self sufficient) and waited an hour or so for them to come back and get me.
Well when RD and I went back to where the group was, guess who I noticed were dressed in matching t-shirts? That's right, RD and HRH. It was so cute I could have puked. Then the little clique joined forces and it was bff and HRH at the cool kid table, with Sharon sitting over by the loser's wall. Wah wah wah.... I know. Then, while bff and HRH were off on the cool kids 4-wheeler ride, RD, Dee, random man (bff's husband) and I were left in camp. I guess with that much supervision it was okay. All I could manage if I had wanted was to eye-fuck him and I didn't really want to. He's tainted you know. Anyway, I was doing my thing (can't remember what it was)and all of a sudden I hear Dee say something to RD about keeping his pie-hole closed about him to HRH and RD asking Dee did they need to step away and have a conversation. I thought to myself, 'Self, what an auspicious beginning to a effed up weekend." I guess they dropped it, you know how men are. Dee walked by me shortly after with this weird smile on his face and I leaned over and whispered, 'have you lost your gd mind?" He just kept smiling, so apparently, yes, yes he had. The cool girls came back to camp and had their little frozen fruity drinks in a blender just for them...I drank Smirnoff Ice. Apparently, it makes me really concious of peoples manners. But I digress.
Things were going okay, spoke to Dee a little-not much, didn't want him to get in trouble, you know how I am with the hooker vibe/siren voice thing. Anyway, off Dee goes on his four wheeler only to come zooming by a little while later with some random skank on the back of his ATV. To make a long story short, it did not go over well with Her Royal Majesty, the Queen. He came back and she started screaming at him about disrespect and so forth. He started yelling back at her about "you want to know about disrespect?" At that time, I was expecting him to point his finger at Roddy and say 'you bring your effing boyfriend around me all the time and wave him under my nose and I'm disrepectful?', but tragically, he didn't. Cowardice, alas I know you well. So then he storms off in his truck to disappear until about 3 in the morning. During this time, no one checked on him very often which pissed me off, because I was worried sick.
Also, I had made chili the night before to have for the whole camp. We had discussed it a few days ahead of time, so everyone knew I was making chili. Do you know that those two women brought something else so that they wouldn't have to eat my chili? Is that petty and childish or what?
Anyway, the next morning we all woke up and Dee had his head about 3 foot up HRH's ass all day until today. She's got him roped in pretty good. He won't have another independent thought or show his backbone again for a good 3 months now, he's so fucking scared of her mouth. Did I mention that whenever I got within 4 feet of him, either he would walk off or she would head in our direction? This will all turn out to be my fault for some reason. And I was the one minding my own business.
To think, I played nice for 3 weeks or longer so that RD and Dee could go to mudfest with the group. I am a fricking stupid cow.
So I couldn't sleep last nite, I'm lying awake for hours trying to come up with the exact thing that I was going to say to her, and because I have this overwelming sense of decency or cowardice (take your pick)I let the opportunity slide by me again. And if I know my enemy well, I won't get this opportunity ever again.
So that was my rotten assed weekend, how was yours?

Saturday, September 1, 2007

No Rest for the Wicked

Day #5 of the New Leaf Turning... still turned, but blowing around merrily in the breeze.

I have committed to going the Scrappers Dream Vacation in Orlando next weekend. I won't be able to go as much as I wanted to, but next year I'll plan a little better. There's another crop coming up at the end of September over in Ft. Pierce--I'll go there as well. Andddddd, there's another one in November in Orlando that I am planning to go to as well. I'm going to try to find a roomie who doesn't snore. Wish me luck on that one.

I think for the crop next weekend, I will finally start on Allyson's wedding album. They say you should have a plan, so that one is mine. I think I will also scrap the Speckled Perch/family reunion pages as well to mix it up a little. I'm also planning on taking some Christmas cards to work on. I should stay busy and not get bored, don't you think? I had an idea to do some lunchboxes for homecoming. I will probably try to make them look a little like the mum corsages that we used to have back in the day with plenty of ribbons, footballs, purple and gold and try to find some brahma die cuts. Yeh, that's going to happen.

Grady came over for a little while today and he wore me out a skoosh. I'm not as young as I would like to be. I took him shoe shopping - he never seems to have any that currently fit-- and I also bought him (me) a monkey backpack/leash. Yes, I'm going to parade my grandson around the park tomorrow on a leash. That just goes to show that you should never say never.

Enough for now, I think I am going to order photos for next weekend. I'll blog at ya'll later.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day #1 of the New Leaf Turnage ; )

Yes, I am turning over a new leaf, heh heh heh. However, I have it on a string so that I may flip it over @ will. Ahhhh, the evil! A friend told me yesterday that if I keep flipping the leaf, it will eventually land on the same side I flipped it from and will start getting crumbly around the edges. There are moments of depth even in mud puddle, aren't there?
Anyway, life is so so here, sister, and that's ok for now. Got a recall on my Explorer, so I have to find a dealership that will take it and fix the problem. What I'm going to drive in the meantime is beyond me. There apparently is something wrong with the speed control. It catches on fire sometimes.... who knew?

I have an opportunity to go to the Scrappers Dream Vacation on September 7,8, and 9. Whether I go or not, I haven't decided. Might be fun, what do you think? I scrapped this past weekend and got a lot done. I have almost finished Shelby's 1 year album (her birthday gift), did my Universal page, Grady's 4th of July, and Lili's enough picture. You should go to and check out my pages. I haven't posted all of them, but I have posted a lot. Oh, back to scrapping on the weekend.... the ladies there are going crazy. It lets me know one thing. No matter how nice people are individually, you get more than 2 women in a room and you're going to have bullshit. Again, who knew?

Love you!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Setting it Up for My Sister!

I am setting up a blog spot so that I may correspond with my sister and talk freely without a certain hose beast coming along and reading my stuff and informing the spousal unit about my 'meaness'. This should be FUN!!!!