Saturday, April 25, 2009

Early morning musings

1. Great googies, its early.
2. No tears for 3 days...I think I've finally hit the bottom of the well...or regained my senses...or something. Of course, it does help to not see an arm hanging out the window of a truck.
3. Last night to the Mexican buffet...not exactly on my eating program, but at least I'm not being so militant about it that I was rude, especially since somebody else paid for it. Once in a blue moon won't kill me and I'll throw in an extra mile today to make up for it.
4. I'm taking Sara prom dress shopping today and tomorrow if we don't find's our last one; this whole empty nest thing is looming like a great white whale.
5. Even after having Gabby over the night before last and staying up late last night chatting, I still didn't sleep very well. I need to figure out something else to quiet my brain so that I can sleep throughout the night.
6. If age is just a number, why is it one of the first things people bring up when they're getting to know each other?
7. I need a pedicure in the worst way. Jogging/walking is harsh on one's tootsies. I'm thinking flaming hot, streetwalking red polish...Dad's cringing, ya'll know that.
8. I should get up and go grab some breakfast, but I just can't bear the thought of ham AGAIN. It seemed like a good idea at the time because it was so easy to snatch and run...but now it's getting a little old. I think it will be roast beef this week. Yummy!
9.Love that new Darius Rucker song "Don't Think I Don't Think About It", the line that says "sometimes we make choices and we have to live with them"...I think certain people are regretting their choices now or perhaps just thinking that perhaps they may have been a bit presumptive in their decisions. This causes me to slightly, as to not upset Karma, to laugh a little gleefully.
10. I wish I had some vacation time...I need a little R & R would set me up just fine. Perhaps to North Carolina to see the leaves change and all the new babies, you know, cubs and birds and what not, doing their thing. Maybe a weekend trip after Sara graduates, go to the shore and have a little one-on-one. Sigh...good stuff.
11. Okay, maybe toast and peanut butter and milk.
12. My garden at work is getting big, but I would rather be harvesting something other than weeds.
13. I guess the search for the prom dress starts now...cross your fingers!