Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blogging for blogging sake

1. I am told I am a bad patient...that's true, I don't like to wait for weeks to see results, I want to be better NOW.

2. I am a blind masochist, but it's one of my more endearing qualities

3. When I think of all the time I wasted working so hard to accomplish something just to lose it to someone else, I get nauseous.

4. Teflon people.... I want to be one

5. I think what bothers me the most is that I have no zeal for anything here lately except sleep.

6. All this rain is starting to bum me out. I really enjoy my quality 'me time' when I walk, but the lightning and thunder are deterring me just a hair. I would walk in the rain...what's a little water?...but being electrocuted would just be the icing on the cake for this horrible year. Wait, it's only May!!! Lord have mercy...

7. When Mom reads my palm, she tells me that I was going to have this major thing happen...well, it happened. And even though I feel dead-ish, I know I'm not, so I have to deal. I've grown to hate dealing and coping. They suck. Shouldn't it be somebody else's turn to sweep the flotsam and jetsam out of their lives for a change?

8. Not loving my job here lately. I think it's that whole zeal thing again. People that I normally hit the ignore button on are really starting to push MY buttons. Tolerance, thy name is no longer Sharon.

9. Let's see...I'll try to be garden's getting plenty of water. My ass is going to grow huge again, but the garden is being watered.

10. I was told my new haircut was sexy...hey, now...that's upbeat. Of course the person telling me was a degenerate, but hey, a compliment is a compliment.

11. Night at the Museum-The Smithsonian was not that great. Wait for the DVD. However...X-Men: Origins and Star Trek rocked like nobody's business. Hugh Jackman is soooooooo hot and he was naked...nuff said.

12. Food tastes like seasoned cardboard and paste now. Huge step forward.

13. Barry Manilow is very soothing.

14. Stupid rain...

15. I need to get my little dog a friend...a live friend...her relationship with the stuffed monkey is disturbing. Not only does she hump him, she brings him balls and pretends he throws them AND then she pulls him over herself and pretends he's pinned her. She's too weird and its creepy. Puppy love in more ways than one.