Saturday, September 1, 2007

No Rest for the Wicked

Day #5 of the New Leaf Turning... still turned, but blowing around merrily in the breeze.

I have committed to going the Scrappers Dream Vacation in Orlando next weekend. I won't be able to go as much as I wanted to, but next year I'll plan a little better. There's another crop coming up at the end of September over in Ft. Pierce--I'll go there as well. Andddddd, there's another one in November in Orlando that I am planning to go to as well. I'm going to try to find a roomie who doesn't snore. Wish me luck on that one.

I think for the crop next weekend, I will finally start on Allyson's wedding album. They say you should have a plan, so that one is mine. I think I will also scrap the Speckled Perch/family reunion pages as well to mix it up a little. I'm also planning on taking some Christmas cards to work on. I should stay busy and not get bored, don't you think? I had an idea to do some lunchboxes for homecoming. I will probably try to make them look a little like the mum corsages that we used to have back in the day with plenty of ribbons, footballs, purple and gold and try to find some brahma die cuts. Yeh, that's going to happen.

Grady came over for a little while today and he wore me out a skoosh. I'm not as young as I would like to be. I took him shoe shopping - he never seems to have any that currently fit-- and I also bought him (me) a monkey backpack/leash. Yes, I'm going to parade my grandson around the park tomorrow on a leash. That just goes to show that you should never say never.

Enough for now, I think I am going to order photos for next weekend. I'll blog at ya'll later.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Bobo on a leash? What is this world coming too? I can't believe that... You said it was inhumane... I guess being a geezer changes one's opinion... :) Anyway, I wish I could come conventioning with you. I'm lonely for my sister, and partner in crime...