Thursday, September 25, 2008

I am tired of waiting

I am tired of waiting and planning and deciding and preparing. I want my future now! I want to know what is going on with my boob, my life, my love and all that good crap. I want to know... I don't want 262 more days of waiting and frustration and pain. I want to be done...just not "done". I don't feel as if I have really lived my life yet and that makes me sad and angry and disappointed in myself. I'm not going to start making bargains and deals and resolutions if I am healthy, but I am going to make some choices in the next few weeks. A very good friend told me I was tough and could stick it out, but I think that's just a cop out for me. What to do, what to do?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Pray and pray some more sister. Try to remain positive, and know that every trial, every tough time makes us stronger people and teaches us what we need to know about ourselves and others...what really matters. Who really matters and who really loves us. Talk to you tomorrow! Loveth Sis!