Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Completely Random Thoughts - Part 12

)Don't you just hate it when you have a plan of action and you want to take care of something and NO ONE cooperates! Arghhh!

2)My tummy is in a vise today…love being female, it rocks

3)Lili has to take dance lessons as soon as she's big enough. That child does love her boogie woogie

4)Which do you think is truer? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned or Hell hath no fury like a woman ignored? I think I would rather be scorned (me, personally) because to be scorned would take a conscious effort on someone's part but to be ignored is to be insignificant.

5)Oatmeal, milk and diet Mountain Dew…now THAT'S the breakfast of champions!

6) Why do I have to be an all or nothing person? The world isn't black and white so why can't I do gray?

7) There is no joy in Mudville today.

8) Happiness is complicated

9) A busy mind helps a heavy heart

10) The portly Pilgrim people are still on my desk—it might be time to pack them up and put them away

11) It's the day of problem customers; no one's happy, everybody's grumpy, and I am not tolerant of bullshit. Can we say a good time will not be had by anyone today?

12) Looking at my desk, it seems like all of customers and vendors don't want me to lose track of my days. I have soooooo many calendars. Sadly, I don't have anything of note to record.

13) I am a grandmother of 3…how surreal is that?

14) Ringgggg ringgggggg "Good morning (insert company name here), may I help you? (thick Middle East accent) "May I speak to Tony please?" (me) I'm sorry, we don't have anyone here by that name". (him—loudly) "Yes you do, I just talked to him, Tony, his name is Tony". (me) "Could you mean Tom? We do have a Tom". (him, louder and a little bit pissy) "No, no, no, Tony, his name is Tony, I want to talk to him now!" (me, a whole LOT pissy but still professional) "Sir, we do NOT have a Tony, we have a Tom, Jim, Leslie, Fred, Jay, Glenn, Wayne, Martin and occasionally we have a Bruce, but we do not have a Tony, what do you need?" (him, loud, unintelligible and a wee bit hysterical, in my opinion) "I want to order the aluminum sheet, I told Tony, I want to order it". (me, deep sigh) "Alright, you need to talk to Tom, let me transfer you to the steel office." (him, VERY hysterical) "No, no, no, I am not wanting steel, I am wanting the alumin…" (me, click, transfer, OMG, deliver me)

15) Why do people have to eat Vienna sausages in front of me? Ewwww….

16) "This is what it means to be held, how it feels when the sacred is torn from your life and you survive, this is what it means to be loved and to know that the promise was when everything fell, you'd be held" Held by Natalie Grant

17) It feels like someone stabbed one of those ol'-timey hand drills into my abdomen and is slowly twisting it and wrapping my guts in a knot…ah, good times.

18) It's easy to be strong when you're not confronted with any of your weaknesses.

19) Ever wake up one morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say "Damn, when did you become such a bitch?"

20) Good googies, I'm trying to think of something funny and upbeat to blog about, but maybe this isn't the week. That's my problem, I have all these things going on and I try to act like everything's normal and fine and whatever and I just can't keep it all on an even keel. It's like trying to shove 50 pounds of crap in a 5 pound sack. Eventually, something's going to trickle out. No fricking wonder I have ulcers.

21) I think falling in love when you're older is like catching chicken pox when you're older—even the mildest case can really f*ck you up.

22) Having RJ around is like finally getting a son (James and Josh are like my sons too, but they don't live with me). I should have known any son of mine would be a goof, but who knew he'd be so handy taking out the trash and stuff?

23) I want to scrapbook tonight. I think I'll do that rather than sit on the computer and investigate other people's activities. I have a picture of Grady at the beach when he was 7 months old that is TOO precious for words.

24) There are some really wonderful people in the world who have no idea of their worth and how important it is to others that they just ARE

25) Some aches just have to be endured to be outlasted...ow, my gallbladder or spleen feels like its coming apart.

1 comment:

Laura said...

24) There are some really wonderful people in the world who have no idea of their worth and how important it is to others that they just ARE

That would be you to me. :)