Monday, January 12, 2009

Completely Random Thoughts-Part 14

1) Only 55 more days until daylight savings time…woo hoo! Can’t wait to start walking again. Disclaimer: I have a sad little life, so bear with me.
2) Lili is extremely jealous of the new baby being in Nanny’s lap. I think her exact words were “Nanny, stop” punctuated with the Damien stare and the little pudgy finger pointed accusingly at Baby Gabby. Sigh…I foresee a row of rough hoeing ahead.
3) Icy Hot should always be washed off your hands thoroughly after applying, ESPECIALLY before you scratch inside your ear…make a note.
4) Don’t you just love to get phone calls where the person on the other end doesn’t talk, just listens to you saying hello over and over?
5) I scrapbooked this weekend, yay me! Got a two-pager done of Sara’s Jr. Prom…don’t love it, will probably take it apart a little bit and one of just her and RJ being goofs. Don’t love that one either, but I will think on it a little bit longer before the OCD steps in and takes over.
6) Not everyone appreciates a dry sense of humor…or else they don’t get it, which makes it sad and just a tiny bit funnier to me. J
7) I hate counting pennies, but its nice to know that high dollar college education is paying off, huh?
8) I don’t think double oat bran bread is in my best interest, gastro intestinally speaking that is. Let’s just say ‘cabbage’.
9) I wonder how many times I’ve listened to “Don’t Think I Don’t Think About It” since it came out?
10) When people blow their noses right outside my window while I’m eating lunch, it makes me want to throw up a little.
11) Steak burrito with salsa verde…you know my ulcer is gonna love me today. On the bright side, I’m breathing a lot more clearly LOL
12) Anyone besides me ever notice that the intro for O-town’s “All or Nothing” and the Backstreet Boys “Drowning” is exactly the same?
13) Yes, I like boy bands, sue me.
14) Is it too late to rethink the whole burrito thing? Ow, damned ghost gallbladder!
15) I read over some of my very first blogs this weekend—you know the ones I wrote when I was full of hate and loathing and venom and well, you get the idea. Boy, was I angry! Glad to know I’ve finally gotten over all that and moved on but now I understand why those who love me were so worried about public safety. Equally glad that I found a hobby that redirected all my time and energy AND that I have multiple babies to love. Yay, me.
16) Dee Dee is a red head today…it’s cute. I’m going to wait and dye my hair when I go to my sister’s. She has water pressure and regular water at her house.
17) I just want to hear “yes, you may”, that’s all.
18) Oh, Heaven’s to Murgatroyd, my stomach is already killing me.
19) Quote “It is what it is until it isn’t anymore”…is that deep or what?
20) Too many people today—I just want to take a long ride down a dirt road, some alone quality me time.
21) Men are easily placated by food and drink—just like babies.
22) The smell of Carmex takes me straight back to high school and cold Friday night football games.
23) How many times am I going to get….ummm, I forgot what I was going to say. I went to the restroom and this thought just went poof!
24) I am so glad everyone is getting along.
25) I am fricking hating life at this exact moment…I think I’m having a Sybil episode.
26) I still have snowmen cavorting around my living room. I really need to pack them all away, but they seem to have bred (hence the snowman orgy) and no longer fit in their boxes.
27) Another battle lost, how will I survive?

That’s all for today…so furiously mad over the overwhelming stupidity of smart people that I can barely tolerate existing on the same plane. That being said, love to all the brilliant smart people in my life who don’t make me want to run screaming into the streets, shouting, “the morons are coming, the morons are coming!”
Stupid damn people, they could screw up a wet dream.


Claudia said...

I do sooo enjoy reading your blogs, you say what I think most of the time. Scary!

Laura said...

You make me smile...which is so nice. :)

Laura said...

Seriously, I am counting the days.... I need my woobie.