Thursday, January 22, 2009

Completely Random Thoughts - Part 15

1) I am overtired today

2) That Toby Keith song keeps playing over and over in my head “How do you like me now?”. I guess in the grand scheme of things, I’m not the worst thing that could have happened.

3) Wendy’s chili = Cabbage

4) Sometimes peoples attempt at humor irks me. Not everyone is funny—deal with it and move the hell on.

5) Got to pack

6) It is going to be sooooo cold up there. It wouldn’t be so bad, but my brother-in-law, the miser, keeps the thermostat on like 62. I don’t know about you, but that’s cold

7) I’m being haunted by the ghost of my gallbladder. I’m not sure if it was the orange juice I drank yesterday, or the sloppy joes or the chili or the pretzels or the sodas. I’m thinking the mix might be responsible for the icky.

8) Saw a movie Sunday—Vantage Point—it was awesome. I give it 2 thumbs up!

9) I need to remember to give Dee Dee back her cough syrup before she hocks up a lung.

10) Every day I am amazed at the pettiness of people. Or is it petulance? Either way, little temper tantrums and sullenness and the cold shoulder are just a coward’s way of dealing with your issues. Don’t get me wrong, I will pout myself…don’t want to come across as a hypocrite. But I don’t generally do the boo-boo lip over the slights other people have done to me, but rather of the fact that I allowed myself to be mad at, disappointed in or outmaneuvered by yet another person. Then I’ll pout at my dumbness.

12) Speaking of dumb, I just got done watching the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States of America. Back story: I try very hard not to discuss politics, religion or childrearing with strangers, friends, co-workers or loved ones. It only leads to trouble and hard feelings. That being said, I follow politics somewhat because it is my duty and my right as an American citizen to be informed. I’m excited to part of the democratic process, proud to be an American. I think George Bush has made a mockery of his office and shed no tears at his leaving office. I have high hopes for Barak Obama as do most Americans who like to work and eat and have a roof over their heads. He has a long rough row to hoe, but at least he knows what its like to owe money, put himself through college and struggle. Therefore, he can sympathize. He spoke of America being in a cold bitter winter right now, but we can move forward. He’s a heck of speaker. All that being said, when the inbred, mouth-breathing idiots who have lived off the teat of this country, bearing too many unplanned children that my taxes go to feed and clothe and educate while I am struggling to get my own kid through school , fed and decently attired, HAVE the BALLS to ask stupid questions like “is the n-word there yet?” or “has anyone shot that n-word yet?” while I am trying to watch and hear a momentous moment in history, it makes my fricking blood boil. Your opinion you have a right to express, but your ignorance? Take that shit down the road. It doesn’t matter whether you like the man or his politics, and no, he’s not very experienced in the political arena nor does he have any foreign policy background. But he is smart enough to have surrounded himself with people who do. Don’t belittle his accomplishment based on something like color. We’ve had enough of the democracy cum autocracy that we’ve been dealing with for the last 8 years. We’ve had enough of a president who failed to listen to his advisers and based all of his decisions on what his father started in his own disappointing term of office. Example, what did Dick Cheney do besides shoot somebody in the face and pull a muscle before the inauguration today? Hell if I know. If he was heavily involved in politics, wouldn’t I have heard something?

13) That random thought just kept on coming, didn’t it?

14) I can’t play computer games when I get home tonight. The swelling is just now coming down in my arm and it’s after noon. Typing doesn’t bother it that bad, but running that mouse is a bitch.

15) Just a quick side trip back to politics. Two of the people I love most in this world could care less about the political climate. Naughty, it’s your country…take an interest!

16) Seeing how little content I have to draw since I’ve been blissfully, marvelously and completely happy, I now understand why so many of our greatest writers (which I am not attesting to be) did their best work strained, drained, stressed and messed. Look at Edgar Allen Poe and Ernest Hemingway…brilliant men, totally f*cked up.

17) A quote I wanted to comment on: Before you begin on the journey of revenge, dig two graves. ~Proverb I’m going to wax philosophical on this one. I believe that by the time a person is driven to seek revenge, something has already died in them. Could be hope, could be love or desire, drive, ambition, or inspiration, could be anything that a person treasures and puts value in. The only reason a person would need revenge is to fill the void left by the death of a dream. Are they seeking to replace their loss by taking something away from the person who arranged it? Maybe. Does it work? Partially. Is it worth it? …depends.

18) I used to list all the things in my happy place, but I think my mental home is following along the lines of my regular home. I don’t want much in it, except for the things I just can’t be without. Right now, I can’t think of anything.

19) Didn’t sleep good last night, my mind was too busy planning. Sometimes I wish I weren’t such a planner, but rather did things on a whim. But then I wouldn’t be Sharon and what a loss that would be, huh?

20) I need WD-40 for my desk keyboard shelf.

21) Kansas is going to be so cold

22) I need more iron, I am covered in bruises.

23) Overthinking will eventually be my downfall.

24) I think romance is in the heart of a believer; if someone brings you roses when you prefer daisies, it’s not romantic

From perky to pissy in one breath…I am talented.

Love ya’ll!

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