Monday, November 10, 2008

Completely Random Thoughts- part 2

1) Apparently, when I want to talk, it's not that important
2) Even if people whose opinions I value, either for its honesty or insight, like something, it doesn’t help if I’m in the middle of a hair crisis.
3) I’m not vain, I’m self-conscious, there’s a difference.
4) God made puppies irresistible.
5) Uniform pants…sigh, not every man can wear them with impunity.
6) From what I have observed lately, a guilty conscience can be a motherf*cker—glad I’m not afflicted.
7) Boy, I miss my digital camera.
8) My granddaughter has enough personality for 3 grown drag queens.
9) Body language…..hmmm, fact or fiction?
10) Passive/aggressive behavior is the coward’s way out.
11) I may be a packrat…
12) The Explorer needs a new fuel filter.
13) My laundry pile is faintly resembling an Indian burial mound—not quite a mountain, but much more involved than a hill.
14) I’m really not feeling the snowman orgy this year, but I’ll give it one last go.
15) Even if you don’t want to say ‘no’, if you don’t say ‘yes’, then in fact, you are saying ‘no’ by default. Not being brave enough to face the fall out is no excuse to be evasive. And, in fact, by not being forthcoming, you have indeed precipitated the event you were hoping to avoid. (lol…bet Leslie won’t ask me if Jim’s still here or not anytime soon)
16) Not looking forward to the pelvic exam…wonder if the Dr. will grope my boobs again, since he already did it last month. If he does, should I look at him askance?
17) My bedroom is disgusting.
18) Out of sight, out of mind only works if you have a crappy memory.
19) I need to see the ocean, or a mountain or the Ozarks in the fall—something indescribably beautiful and serene and soul-settling.
20) Hate is a horrible, sordid word; sadly, it is still the only word I’m working with sometimes.
21) Work has been slow today.
22) Blood is thicker than water…always. No matter the length of time or the depth of allegiance, there is no loyalty among strangers.
23) Andy Griffith is quality televison as is M*A*S*H.
24) He thought he had found a ‘hot tamale’ when what he really ended up with was a ‘pig in a blanket’…lol, found that on a website and it made me giggle.
25) PMS equals lots of food, bitchy attitude and the deep dark—good week to be me!
26) I can wear ivory, or cream, or ecru, but not white. Does that make me a fall or a winter?
27) Not terribly thirsty today.
28) I put my Pilgrim people (from the Publix commercial) on my desk last week. Color me in the holiday spirit.
29) I want a new vampire book.
30) According to the fashion guru (that would be my sister) women over 30 should not wear tube tops and mini skirts—I guess I need new clothes.
31) Slight headache behind my right eye and it is ouchie.
32) Someone told me today that I worry about what other people think too much—I don’t think I do, I just don’t live in a self-involved, egocentric bubble where I can afford to let #3 (the real Sharon) out to play. Sometimes it really sucks to be me, but that’s the price of living in a society with some rules.
33) On my computer stand: Pilgrim people, ladybug cake decoration, micrometer, staple puller, race car (McDonalds toy), calculator slash level slash tape measure slash pencil, shot glass from Hawaii filled with Sweet-n-Low, assorted business cards, pics of Lili, Grady and KK, note that says “bronze is by the inch”, a straight quilter’s pin, a daily reminder of patience and sacrifice, a shell with my name on it, 15 CD’s, post it notes, Eclipse gum, Pocket Ref (full of handy dandy formulas), and a sign that says “Sharon Rocks”

1 comment:

Laura said...

You do rock... And really, what does anybody know? We are all here groping our way through life. So, if it makes you happy to wear tank tops, do it...who really cares what I think? You are not me, which is a good thing...we balance each other out... Really, we do. Soul mates... my other half. :)