Monday, November 17, 2008

Completely Random Thoughts- Part 6

All because Roddy said "catch ‘em"
1) I don’t think Fodder realizes how hard I work at holding back
2) Confession is good for the soul, but it’s not too good for the nose
3) Cramps hurt…damn apple
4) All my jibes and innuendo are supposed to be non-specific, but how many two-timing, home-wrecking whores do I know?
5) When I’m bad, I’m very, very bad, but when I’m good, I’m BORING
6) Flip flops are funny things…
7) I wonder how many lives are ruined in the pursuit of mediocre ass?
8) Men choose their partners for many reasons—beautiful eyes, heart-shaped ass, sparkling personality. I wonder what its like to realize you were picked because you reek of crazy?
9) When you clear your conscience at someone else’s expense, does it really do you any good?
10) HATE my hair today
11) Eating oatmeal is so good for my tummy—all warm and non-wheat related
12) Playing nice is great for children who like playing games…but I’m grown, so what are the benefits to me?
13) To everything (turn, turn, turn) there is a season (turn, turn, turn) and a time for every purpose under Heaven J
14) I swear, the weather starts getting a little cool and all the fellas try to grow a beard and beards are like being bald…not everyone has the head for it.
15) I need to buy stock in Perdue, I eat so much damn chicken
16) Its not as much fun as I thought it would be, taking the bit and running with it. Something about being ALLOWED to be hateful just takes all the fun out of being a bitch.
17) Lust is fickle
18) Hell hath no fury like a flipflop discarded before all the snap is out of its sole.
19) I’m really having to work on this whole retribution and payback thing. I guess Roddy’s advice to get over IT and move the f*ck on really hit home. Or else I’m just at peace with IT….or I’ve found new avenues of interest…or I’ve decided everything is even. Nah, that can’t be it. Maybe I just got bored with the whole thing. Seems to happen to YOU a lot…LOL
20) I’m glad my world extends beyond the Okeechobee County line. Think how small and petty and dull my life would be if it were that limited
21) I have the munchies today
22) "The next time I go looking for my heart’s desire, I won’t look any further than my own backyard"….Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz (hint hint)
23) 67 days until I see my beautiful sister…yay!
24) Oh, and that reminds me….there is no comparison between my wonderful talented terrific sister and other people. I must have been on crack to think there were any similarities, total bad mind blowing crack
25) Who would name a Chihuahua "Killer Taco"?
26) What is the right decision?
27) Dee Dee is soooooooooooo mean, what a ho-ah!
28) What should I bring for lunch tomorrow? Salad (ick), maybe some beans and rice, or leftovers.
29) Ummmmmm, I just heard a bad word…
30) Got side tracked by an idea for a blog…another one! I am full of the written word at present. I’m just overflowing with witticisms lol

1 comment:

Laura said...

Oh sister... how I love thee... You know... maybe Roddy is right... yes, I said that. You just need to move the ______ on. I agree.... Move on to Kansas, where people love you. "It would be so fine to see your face at my door"... Not too much longer... Yay! Oh... btw, Twilight movie comes out on I get to see it...NO... darn soccer to heck!