Thursday, November 20, 2008

Completely Random Thoughts - Part 8

Thoughts brought on by songs on my computer
1) Just thinking that its funny how I have all the resolve and self-control anyone in the world would ever need, but one song can make me lose all of my home-training with the thoughts it brings to fore and the reactions to the thoughts…sigh, Donny Osmond, what a trouble-maker
2) I’m in a place I never thought I’d be
3) Dee Dee went home sick and took her funk with her, thank God. I can absolutely not afford to catch anything, literally.
4) I must go home and cook dinner tonite, people are starving (or at least a little tired of leftovers)
5) My little man is growing like a weed. He looks like Katelyn at that age, all arms and legs, tall as a tree. There is absolutely no baby fat on him at all.
6) If I keep calling Lili ‘Princess’, will she grow up a conceited mess? I don’t think so, I just think she’ll believe she’s all that and a bag of chips…as she should.
7) 64 days til I see my sister….Yay! Happy, happy day! This time I have a whole 8 ½ days with her which includes two weekends. That is so awesome, you can’t believe it. Wonder what we’ll do? She’ll probably sleep a lot, like always, I’ll cook a lot, like always, and we’ll chill. Maybe see a movie, maybe go to the ½ price bookstore (LOVE that place), maybe go to the scrapbook store (no, say it ain’t so), we might even scrapbook a little. Oooo, maybe antique shopping in Weston, or go to Central and get a new sweatshirt….oh, the possibilities.
8) Fairly cold at the moment
9) Someone IS touching the pudgy Pilgrim people. Does no one remember the rule? DO NOT TOUCH SHARON’S CRAP….EVER! Stupid heads, just wait until I catch who’s doing it, I’ll hand him his ass in a shovel.
10) Kissing you was not what I had planned…Jack Wagner, how I love thee!
11) Drinking diet Mountain Dew makes my eyes go all funky.
12) Working on a couple of dialogues in my head. Perfecting the delivery and all that is important, you know.
13) Waking up at 5:55 when you have to leave for work at 6 a.m. is not conducive to good hair
14) Still can’t decide what to take to the Thanksgiving get together. Doesn’t really matter anyway, no one’s going to eat it. Maybe I should just take rolls and sodas and count myself lucky.
15) Who would eat Kraft mac & cheese when they can have homemade?
16) I wish the construction business would pick up soon; its starting to worry me
17) I’ll be glad when they finish my floor, I need to bake
18) Just ate some more chicken so I should be laying eggs soon
19) Butterscotch coffee, does that sound good? It did at first, but now it just seems icky.
20) When I finally have an empty nest, I am going to sit on the floor in my bikini with socks on and alternately cry and laugh hysterically.
21) If your frequency is already infrequent, what happens when that becomes sporadic as well? Do you bite the bullet and just call it non-existent.
22) Making spaghetti and salad for dinner tonight
23) Just for fun, think of movie titles (or song titles) and replace one of the words with the word "booty". It’s hysterical and a great way to pass the time when you’re driving or working…ooops, I mean with time on your hands. Example—Another One Bites the Booty (lol) or A Few Good Booties …soooooo much fun
24) My wooden shelf fell off the wall last nite and a lot of my treasures got broken. I am so sad about it, but there’s no one to blame. Most of them are so smushed that they can’t even be glued back together.
25) Here come the holidays…ready to wrap, bake, fuss and fume.
26) If I could have sweet tea run intravenously, I would.
27) People who are educated beyond their intelligence frustrate me
28) The weather must be a-changing; my elbow feels stiff
29) I need a Coke and a smile
30) I hate it when people call me ‘honey’- do I look like an enormous pile of bee shit? How hard it is to say miss, or ma’am or even (gasps!) Sharon?
31) Do grown women have stuffed bunnies in their bedrooms?
32) If I only worked a couple of hours a day, I’d probably have a tidier house, cook dinner more often and would have conquered Laundry Mountain…or I’d just have grandbabies at the house all the time and run amok with them
33) OMG, b.o.! How hard is it to wash your pits, people?
34) How do you ‘break it’ to someone gently?
35) I should do a mud mask—I don’t feel glow-y right today

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