Friday, November 14, 2008

Completely Random Thoughts

Thoughts brought on by references to my hair:
1) I am feeling VERY Sharon today…poor everyone around me LOL
2) Writing letters that you never intend to send is good therapy
3) An old friend from junior high found me on MySpace…how cool is that?
4) My hair mocks me with its shortness
5) I need lunch today…lots of lunch…lots of meat…damn PMS
6) 41 days ‘til Christmas, ho, ho, fricking ho
7) Zebras, zebras everywhere and not a stripe in sight
8) Men shouldn’t wear baggy pants and go commando…its unattractive and much worse than camel toe
9) Leslie gives me this gibberish and expects me to quote it…
10) Just spent the MOST delightful 10 minutes talking to two older gentlemen who have traveled extensively. Apparently I still have a bit of Texas twang in my accent…who knew?
11) I found the BEST salt & vinegar chips to staunch my PMS cravings – Thunder Chips…yummy!
12) Got 3 more Twilight books to read this weekend. I should really take my time and savor them, but I probably won’t
13) This is just a theory, but if I were a stupid person, I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to prove it.
14) My desk organizer is not very organized…who da thunk?
15) Stapled my chip bag closed coz I was done…now I want another. The psyche is an odd thing, is it not?
16) My underwear keeps rolling down. Maybe I need to downsize?
17) Body odor should be a felony
18) Definitely intolerant of gluten
19) I need grownup clothes
20) I’m happy and I know it (clapped my hands), I’m happy and I know it (clapped my hands)…oops, phones ringing
21) 1st 5 songs on my computer (1) Waited for You (2) The Sweetest Thing I’ve Ever Known (3) Making Love Out of Nothing At All (4) Waiting for a Star to Fall (5) Everything I Do (I Do It For You) (are we sensing a theme?)
22) Last 5 songs on my computer (1) Secret Lovers (2) Stranger in My Place (3) I Want to Feel That Way Again (4) Tonight I Want to Cry (5) You Save Me (and yet another theme, lol not really I just like sad songs)
23) Perhaps my musical choices are the reason I’m so friggin’ depressed…hmmm, question to ponder.
24) Those Q-tips are still calling my name, or my ears, or whatever
25) Thinking of the snowman orgy…egads, I have SO many!
26) Apparently, according to my horoscope, I am excited about the prospect of enjoying myself today
27) Watching men come out of the restroom can be hysterical (okay….I can see the restrooms from my desk, I’m not a peeping Tammy)—they adjust, kick their legs, don’t wash their hands (ick!) scratch, it’s just a visual treat, glad I’m me
28) Daydreaming about country roads
29) My pits smell all powdery fresh
30) J Little fat Pilgrim people
31) Would it be freaky to just tweeze my leg hairs?
32) My desk is a sty; the Pilgrim people probably oink when I leave them unattended.
33) My hair is so soft and silky…too bad it looks like shit
34) Hope its not too late a night, I got stuff to do…like sleep and read and stuff
35) If you hear hoof beats, look for horses, not zebras (good rule of thumb)
36) Pictures of babies at the beach make me smile
37) What’s a 5 letter word for flinch?
38) Say it with me…no. See that wasn’t hard now, was it? Isn’t it a lot harder to face the wrath of an angry, shrilling harpy than a slighty disappointed yet understanding female in full control of her faculties? Say it again…noooo.
39) Dee Dee went home; I am all alone. I think I’ll go touch her stuff.
40) Sugar just crashed. I need a nap
41) So tired of the doom and gloom and end of the world—I want to hear HAPPY stuff!
42) Baby Ruth’s are kinda yucky…
43) Going to work on my 1150 calorie diet this weekend. I should have it all outlined by Monday and it will be shot be Monday afternoon. My appetite is crazy! I need ephedra
44) Oh, God! Sugar rush!!!! I need a bucket…blech!
45) I wonder where my Ipod is; gone, I’m guessing.
46) I get to watch the shuttle launch tonite….yay!
47) I am so nauseous I may barf in the trash can…freakin’ ghost gall bladder!
48) Apparently I look that the same as someone telling me I look like shit? Wake up at 4:30 a.m. every day and tell me how lively you'll look?
49) I have not the patience for this, so Lord give me strength to not go all white trash Betty on folks.
50) I feel the need for that wrong?
51) No matter how many times I slide my phone, it won't turn into my mouse LOL

1 comment:

Laura said...

It's just like being there... :)