Thursday, November 20, 2008

Completely Random Thoughts - Part 7

Thoughts brought on by the sight and/or mention of tattoos
1) I need Botox, microdermabrasion and everything lifted
2) Age is only a number—maybe, but a really high number that just keeps getting higher
3) I hate it when I make good decisions in my head but lack the wherewithal to carry them out
4) Much as I love quality time with myself, I would settle for quantity here lately
5) Occasionally its just not enough
6) The hair is weird today. I think it prefers the flat iron
7) I want to be around grown-up folks
8) I feel all achy and nauseous and LOST today—hormones, gotta love ‘em
9) Spiraling, spiraling down to the deep dark black
10) I am going to hit Leslie in the mouth with my fist
11) I don’t understand grown women who want to dress alike, get the same haircut, etc. I haven’t wanted to match anyone since I was 7 years old and my best friend got a new pair of saddle oxfords
12) The longer I fight it, the harder its going to be
13) I brought chili for lunch yesterday and I have beans today…poor Dee Dee
14) I need a 5 hour energy drink or three
15) Apparently, the more polite I become, the more frightening I am
16) I used the "f" word and the "c" word together, I’m going to hell (but I was provoked)
17) I am so tired of waiting for my star to fall, I could cry
18) Early mornings are so tiresome
19) Finished all of the Twilight books, sigh, I love vampire books
20) I love the way my hair gets all full and bushy when its cold
21) Yippee ki aaaaaa, Cow Patty , I can’t believe the things that used to pass as music back in the day. Examples—Short People, Cheeseburger in Paradise, and the forever tragic Disco Duck.
22) It’s chilly in south Florida today…48 degrees and sunny. There is actually a severe weather alert for us, with a wind chill advisory and a fire weather alert. The wind chill drops the temp down to 43…be still, my frozen heart.
23) Would two non-snugglers snuggle if it got really cold?
24) Chicken and stuffing for dinner tonight, yummy, perhaps with a green bean or 2
25) Got to go see the babies after work, apparently Lili has a toe issue and Katelyn can’t figure out what’s wrong
26) All I want for Christmas is an external hard drive or a digital camera since mine was stolen. That’s all I want…
27) Beans and rice, beans and rice, once or twice or maybe thrice, beans and rice is nice…. Schoolhouse Rock, circa 1976
28) I think someone is playing with the portly Pilgrim people when I’m not at my desk
29) I want to win the lottery so I can have a day off
30) Little glimpses into someone else’s life are refreshing, educational and a little disturbing sometimes
31) No one wants to believe that they are responsible for specific negative outcomes, but if the flip-flop fits, wear it
32) Speaking of flip-flops, there’s a new thing out called a Fit Flop and I want it
33) My penny loafers just broke, time to sew them up
34) I wonder….
35) I’ll be better when I’m older
36) Grady has to have his tonsils out, poor little man
37) I need to remember to layer, coz I’m wearing a sweater and its making me hotter than a $2 ho-ah.
38) I need to buy batteries; none of my things have a charge
39) I feel the need for khaki pants and perhaps a skirt. Feeling very preppy today.
40) Button, button, button—what a good idea
41) I’ve been sneezing for the last 15 minutes; perhaps I have a cold
42) Not looking forward to next week
43) Gonna try to do the Black Friday shopping thing next Friday morning. Haven’t been in years, but Mama (that would be me) needs a new digi camera
44) I think Lili needs a baby stroller for Christmas and some BIG pink Legos—is that gender typing or just good gifts?
45) Can’t wait until I can get in the kitchen and start doing my Christmas cookie thing
46) Got to remember to start collecting addresses for my Christmas cards
47) Should I send a card to the same people I sent one last year? LOL, I don’t think some people appreciated my crafty efforts…but I guess you’ll have that from time to time.

1 comment:

Laura said...

#21 You can't forget "Spiders and Snakes" and "Muskrat Love", which I have actually listened to in the last month.... I'm not even kidding. How sad am I?