Thursday, November 13, 2008

Completely Random Thoughts-Part 4

Thoughts brought on by the word exactly

1) I am an unsympathetic human being, especially if you’re a big PUSS!
2) Boys with their panties in a wad annoy me
3) When someone tells you that they’ll call you right back, stay by the phone
4) Calgon! Take me away!
5) Puff, puff, pass…it’s just fun to say J
6) Knights in shining armor atop noble white steeds, dragons and trolls slain willy-nilly…since when are fairy tales too much to ask?
7) If you work in a machine shop and you have boobies, they render you invisible
8) Personal aggravation leads to extreme irritation and to major "blowing things out of proportion" syndrome.
9) I need to start a support group –‘Over-reactors Anonymous…where we take shit personal’
10) Would it be easier if I wore a sign that said "go away, I hate you today"?
11) I’m hungry, I think I want crackers
12) Oooo, Q-tips, my ears feel dirty
13) Got my little tiny hairs put up…who woulda saw THAT coming? Lol
14) Hair’s down now, up, down, up, down just like the stock market…hate my hair
15) I think I’m gluten-intolerant, pretzels make me fluff
16) It’s funny when you try to do the right thing for people and they get all offended (maybe I’m just tactless)
17) I want to get Lili a baby doll for Christmas, but I’m worried about perpetuating the paternal-fascist agenda for our forebears. Besides, she seemed more interested in Grady’s truck than the doll Sara got her, although she did cuddle the doll a bit.
18) I apparently have a lot of country in my voice today.
19) Hope it won’t be a 7:00 nite again.
20) Its’ time for Jim to go home
21) I understand why you won’t write somebody a love song coz that I asked for it, but I would totally do because someone needed it.
22) Chicken for dinner again (sigh)
23) I love reading Maeve Binchy—she’s so Irish
24) Roddy just called, late night again. My cup runneth over.
25. I want chicken wings for dinner, the hotter the better, damn my ulcer to Siberia!

1 comment:

Laura said...

You are the funniest person I know. And, it's not just because you're my sister. BTW...the "Not gonna write you a love song" song, was written against the record company by that Sarah B girl, in defiance because they wanted a love song for her albumn. Tiny tid-bit o' trivia for you... Anyway... hahaha.... :)