Monday, November 24, 2008

Completely Random Thoughts- Part 9

Thoughts brought on by…who the Hell knows?
1) I hate my underwear
2) Forgot to de-puff my eyes this morning, I look like a inept prize fighter
3) Just tweezed my 3 errant eyebrows
4) Sometimes the power of the "vibe" amazes even me
5) I know that quite a few people find procedures and guidelines unnecessary and pointless, but for those of us who like structure, those things are like air and it pisses me the hell off when folks don’t follow the rules!!!!
6) Yeh, I know, life’s not fair…yada yada yada
7) My ear is so stuffed up; sounds like people are talking to me underwater and there’s a lot of static
8) Crotch jewelry…what’s the point? No one ever sees it and lace panties are not compatible
9) Poor Dee Dee, they make her life hell here. She should dot more people in the eye, in my opinion.
10) Really must attend more slumber parties…what a ball that was!
11) My ears are so sore.
12) Did not have time to do my hair this morning…lets just say it’s exhibiting its on personality today
13) Looking forward to Black Friday and Christmas shopping. Still don’t know what I’m getting Lili…something non-lethal to newborns is probably a good idea.
14) So only simple food today—oatmeal, salad, cottage cheese—maybe my stomach and ghost gall bladder will calm down then
15) 3 more things added to the "Sharon can’t eat it or she’ll feel like she’s dying" list—hot dogs, roasted marshmallows and anything fried. Sometimes the cure is worse than the illness, but I have to bite the bullet for the tummy’s sake. Being an old grown up sucks.
16) Roddy’s already making plans for running amok when I’m gone on vacation in January. I would worry, but he’s already tainted, so what’s a few more swabs of ick? LOL Just kidding, Fodder, I know it washes off…..
17) I guess salad is going to be disagreeable today as well—crap, I am SO tired of having a stomachache.
18) I wonder if eliminating my stress would help my stomach? Hmmm, point to ponder.
19) This day is passing so slowly…I guess the rest of the week will too. Holiday weeks are that way, aren’t they?
20) My frown won’t go upside down.
21) Sighing deeply isn’t helping today
22) Will it never be Friday?
23) Okay, beet salad….canned beets (yummy), hard-boiled eggs and mayo…is it just me or is this the most disgusting concoction known to man? The pink shade it turns is roughly the hue of Kaopectate…blech!!!!!!!!!! At least I get to bring something homemade for a change
24) Crystallized ginger is a lot harder to find than you would think


Laura said...

I seriously can't even fathom beet salad. Who eats that? Ever since you mentioned it, it's been burned in my brain. Yuck.Yuck. OK.... and Yuck! Anyway, it took my tummy a while to get over having no gall bladder... I still can't eat certain things unless I want to flush it in 30 minutes... McDonalds for example... Sad times. Loveth thou!

Laura said...

Happy belated Turkey Day. I love you!